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Onion seeds are short-lived. If planting seeds indoors, start with fresh seeds each year. Start seeds indoors about 6 weeks before transplanting to the garden.
Think of onions as a leaf crop, not a root crop. When planting onion sets, don’t bury them more than 1 inch under the soil.
For sets or transplants, space plants 4 to 5 inches apart in rows 12 to 18 inches apart.
Practice crop rotation with onions.
Add mulch between the rows of onions. This will help retain moisture and stifle weeds.
Plant onions as soon as the ground can be worked in the spring, usually late March or April. Make sure outdoor temperatures don’t dip below 20°F (-6°C).
Select a location with full sun, where your onions won’t be shaded by other plants.
Soil needs to be well-drained, loose, and rich in nitrogen; compact soil affects bulb development.
Add aged manure or compost to the soil in early spring, before planting. Onion plants are heavy feeders and need constant nourishment to produce big bulbs.
At planting time, mix in some nitrogen fertilizer.

3 gm per pack




  • Onion seeds are short-lived. If planting seeds indoors, start with fresh seeds each year. Start seeds indoors about 6 weeks before transplanting to the garden.
  • Think of onions as a leaf crop, not a root crop. When planting onion sets, don’t bury them more than 1 inch under the soil.
  • For sets or transplants, space plants 4 to 5 inches apart in rows 12 to 18 inches apart.
  • Practice crop rotation with onions.
  • Add mulch between the rows of onions. This will help retain moisture and stifle weeds.
  • Plant onions as soon as the ground can be worked in the spring, usually late March or April. Make sure outdoor temperatures don’t dip below 20°F (-6°C).
  • Select a location with full sun, where your onions won’t be shaded by other plants.
  • Soil needs to be well-drained, loose, and rich in nitrogen; compact soil affects bulb development.
  • Add aged manure or compost to the soil in early spring, before planting. Onion plants are heavy feeders and need constant nourishment to produce big bulbs.
  • At planting time, mix in some nitrogen fertilizer.
  • 3 gm per pack