
Bio-Cure-F(Trichoderma viride)

Original price was: ₹ 49.00.Current price is: ₹ 45.00.


For Bulbs & Ornamentals:Dip bulbs in a Bio-Cure-F suspension of 10 ml or 20 gm / Litre prior to planting.

Seed Dressing: Bio-Cure-F @ 6 ml or 8 gm per kg of seeds can be used along with the appropriate stickers / wetting agents to coat the seeds.

Seedling Treatment: Bio-Cure-F @ 10 ml or 20 gm / L of water to be mixed. Dip the roots of the seedlings in to the solution for 30 min prior to planting. Over-dosing does not cause any harmful side effects.

Drip System: Bio-Cure-F can be applied through low pressure watering nozzles such as fan nozzles or other watering systems after filtering the solution carefully. Agitate to maintain suspension. For best effect, treat potting mix several days before use for seeding or transplants.

Soil Application:Mix the required quantity of Bio-Cure-F (@ 3 Litres or 4 kg / ha) with 1000 kgs of organic fertilizer / field soil / top soil or any other agriculturally potent locally available organic carrier and mix it well and apply uniformly.

In the case of high infestation, multiple applications are recommended.

Dosage: 3 Litres/ha




For Bulbs & Ornamentals:Dip bulbs in a Bio-Cure-F suspension of 10 ml or 20 gm / Litre prior to planting.

Seed Dressing: Bio-Cure-F @ 6 ml or 8 gm per kg of seeds can be used along with the appropriate stickers / wetting agents to coat the seeds.

Seedling Treatment: Bio-Cure-F @ 10 ml or 20 gm / L of water to be mixed. Dip the roots of the seedlings in to the solution for 30 min prior to planting. Over-dosing does not cause any harmful side effects.

Drip System: Bio-Cure-F can be applied through low pressure watering nozzles such as fan nozzles or other watering systems after filtering the solution carefully. Agitate to maintain suspension. For best effect, treat potting mix several days before use for seeding or transplants.

Soil Application:Mix the required quantity of Bio-Cure-F (@ 3 Litres or 4 kg / ha) with 1000 kgs of organic fertilizer / field soil / top soil or any other agriculturally potent locally available organic carrier and mix it well and apply uniformly.

In the case of high infestation, multiple applications are recommended.

Dosage: 3 Litres/ha