
Vegetable Fertilizer (sterling group)

Original price was: ₹ 95.00.Current price is: ₹ 90.00.

Enrished with micro nutrients amino acid, humid acid and neem cake powder.

Content: N:P:K: 10:10:10
Micro nutrients, Amino acid, Humic acid, Neem cake powder, bio compost

Dosage :2 to 4 spoon full of vegetable fertiliser per plant once in ten days. Irrigate immediately after application. Avoid direct contact with plant.



Enrished with micro nutrients amino acid, humid acid and neem cake powder.

Content: N:P:K: 10:10:10
Micro nutrients, Amino acid, Humic acid, Neem cake powder, bio compost

Dosage :2 to 4 spoon full of vegetable fertiliser per plant once in ten days. Irrigate immediately after application. Avoid direct contact with plant.